Bach-N-All : Piano/Flute Duo

Having Fun!

About Us

From Classical to Latin to Jazz to Contemporary, Bach-N-All has something to offer.

Whether you enjoy classical or other genres of music we offer music from Bach to Piazzolla.


Learn more about Lisa and Bette

Our musical background and training.


See where we have performed and upcoming performances.

Our first public performance was October 15, 2021.

Music Library

Bach-N-All's current repertoire can be viewed here.

We offer customized performances from our extensive repertoire.

Contact Information

To contact us about Bach-N-All performing for your upcoming event navigate to the Contact Information at the top[ of the page.


Formal Photos
See photos of some of our formal attire in the Gallery at the top of the page.
Casual Photos
Bach-N-All has fun when performing., We thought we would share some casual photos with you.
See Bach-N-All's Facebook page for videos of past performances by clicking on the link for videos at the top of the page,